RCT2 & Locomotion

Downloads for Locomotion.

Useable in both Chris Sawyer's Locomotion and OpenLoco

Large Stockcar

Designed: 1975
No obsolescence
Length: 1.28 tiles
Weight: 20 tonnes
Max Speed: 85mph
Capacity: 50 items of Livestock
Move CATTLEUP.dat to your Locomotion/ObjData Folder

Download Large Stockcar Mirror Large Stockcar

Ore, Oil & Chemical Increase

MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR ObjData Folder, or at least these files:

CHEMWORK.dat coalmine.dat OILRIG.dat OILWELL.dat OREMINE.dat

Iron Ore, Coal, Chemicals and Oil will only increase in production.
Removed the ability of these industries to reduce production.
Move all .dat files to your Locomotion/ObjData Folder

Download Mirror

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Downloads.

Useable in both Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and OpenRCT2

Bouncebag's Path Pack

  • Green: "Down To Earth" Path
  • Blue: Aqua Path
  • Brown/Dirt: Autumnul Path
  • Gold: Golden Avenue Path
  • White: White Path

Download Path Pack 1 Mirror Path Pack 1

RCT2 Colour palette

RCT2 uses a 256 color palette...a very SPECIFIC 8-bit set of shades and hues that is used for every object in the game...but if you count them , you’ll find that their "256 Colors" come up about ten short! The palette actually contains some colors that you never see in the game They’re used for transparency and special applications like making the water "sparkle."
"The Amazing Earl"
Palette 1 - Almost Greyscale:
Palette 2:
Palette 3:
Palette 4:
Palette 5:
Palette 6:
Palette 7:
Palette 8 - Paintable Green:
Palette 9:
Palette 10:
Palette 11:
Palette 12:
Palette 13:
Palette 14:
Palette 15:
Palette 16:
Palette 17 - Paintable Pinks:
Palette 18:
Palette 19 - Blue:
Palette 20 - Paintable Third Colour Yellows:
Palette 21 - Water Sparkles:
Palette 22 - Dark Shaders: